Slippery Slope
Slippery Slope
–C.M. Clark
They fall oblique. The head’s pin tufts bobbing. They
fall rough. Could be buffalo scruff, this
duck baby down. They are alien meat. Perpendicular
the wing joints conniving in emerald or aqua, splaying
a murky diet of mindless plankton,
algae sunbathing upstream. This
is where water takes shape, the creaturely mass
setting up housekeeping, canal flow
engineered to massage something
ungovernable. Living perched
on oolitic limestone, we wait
the sea’s slouch upland. This
is where we risk joining fluid
and feather. Flesh and fur. Taking our chances.
2014 WLRN-Miami Herald News & O, Miami Festival Poetry Contest Winner: Best South Dade Poem