Voltaire et la Hollande

  Des aspects de ses impressions des Provinces-Unies tirés de ses cinq voyages | par Dr. Robert Vitale      Au moment où je me suis décidé à préparer mon rapport sur le thème de Voltaire et la Hollande je n’avais aucune ideé de comment m’y prendre, ayant pensé que, comme thème, il était…

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The Solutionists: Quest for Immortality, or, the Importance of Posterity

So, expect in the pages to follow glimpses of arcana dusted off and brought back to the light, treasures that have been long forgotten, because those who held the power were the ones who wrote the history, shrouding what they deemed dangerous, hiding knowledge that they wanted expunged from the world, or demonizing it into oblivion. The truth as it was, non-filtered and unmediated, is what we Solutionists want to retrieve from the past. As daunting as that may seem, we garner courage from the artists and thinkers of the past, and they shall speak through us again.

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