About the author
Marie Zurenda: Marie Zurenda has a B.A. in psychology. She is also an artist and poet who is not quite satisfied with her work. Married with two daughters and five grandchildren, she has been working with a European airline for the past 15 years. Happiest is she when spending time reading in her quite extensive library and when tending her lush tropical garden. She prefers to observe nature through the eyes of a child. Once a week, as often as she can spare it, she volunteers at her local old and antique bookstore, Dunbar Old Books, where she is apt to purchase a volume or two for her ever-growing collection.
The confession was signed in her own blood, “Juana Inés de la Cruz, the worst of all.” They had finally gotten to her, those somber fellows, the priests. They had agreed amongst themselves to let her know, in no uncertain terms, that she was wrong in choosing the world instead…
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Soon the smear campaign would begin to poison anyone who would listen. From the pulpit the bishop would criticize her and call her a sorcereress, a soothsayer and a black magician.
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