A new collection of poetry by C.M. Clark explores the timelessness of the ancient Spice Trails interconnected with the modern world. Here is proof that the past is truly not past for it clings to us like new skin and lives its indelible life inside our heads, as anachronistic anthropological…
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An Essay with a few asides, digressions, and deviations | By Roy Luna From my standpoint here in the West I feel that one can no longer say just “religious oppression” when speaking about this important section of the Rights of Man. At least not in our countries where tolerance…
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The Modernist Vision Implications for Today of a 20th Century World View by Richard A. Schwartz, Professor Emeritus Department of English Florida International University For me, the dominant question of twentieth-century studies asks how a person can live an authentic, moral, self-actualized life centered around some notion of proper…
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