About the author
Roy Luna: Roy Luna is a retired French professor who dabbles in the arts, tinkers with music, reads heavily in fiction and history, but does not neglect biographies or science. His main efforts these days are devoted to writing a trilogy of novels based on events occurring during the years between the death of Voltaire (1778) and the French Revolution (1789-94), years rich in both enlightened human progress and dark, evil terror.
Three times a week he volunteers at Dunbar Old Books, making sure orphaned books find their way to other readers. His library at home may have surpassed the 10,000 mark, and he valiantly tries to read them all… The one important thing to retain about Roy is his horror at the sins, the injustice, the atrocities, the crimes against humanity that are perpetrated and justified in the name of religion. Any belief system that condones such savagery has discarded its humanity, abandoned its compassion, and forsaken its principles of empathy, tolerance and love of one’s neighbor.
longrun = in the long run; adverb, similar in usage to eventually, finally, ultimately; < shortening of the phrase “in the long run” examples: Longrun, booksellers who sell online will do much better than those who don’t. Allowing the currency to float will longrun stabilize the country’s economy. Concomitantly, shortrun…
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French: agélaste = Greek prefix a- (no) [as in aphonia = without voice; acephalous = no head] & Greek gelos (laugh). = without laughter; descriptive of someone who does not know how to laugh, or cannot laugh. English: agelous (pronounced ə / ʒɛ´/ ləs; or perhaps a´/ ʒə / ləs)…
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chronophage = Greek kronos (time) & phage Greek phagein (eat) = devourer of time; time waster; bore. Time-consuming. examples: Mary, stop obsessing about your lost love. Don’t you realize people are avoiding you because you’ve become such a chronophage! I don’t like your friends. They’re such chronophages that they suck the…
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Braund’s Bookstore (not its real name) is chockablock with books. We’re groaning under the sheer weight of the stacks. We have been obliged to build towers of tomes over the books on the highest shelves, where there are no more shelves. We have been forced to keep stacks on chairs,…
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For these and other causes, for the edification of the faithful and for the good of their souls, we will prohibit them from ever reading any book, under pain of eternal damnation.
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